Sunday, March 15, 2015

Arabic Assignment


Page No 11

Arabic textاسم مدرستي الهندية الثانويّة1) ما اسم مدرستك؟
Read asIsmu madrasathee al-hindiyyah al-saanawiyyahMaa ismu madrasathak?
MeaningThe name of my school is Indian High School.What is the name of your school?
Arabic textأسكن في مدينة دبي2) أين تسكن ؟
Read asAskunu fee madeenathi DubaiiAina taskunu?
MeaningI live in Dubai.Where do you live?
Arabic textأنا بخير3) كيف حالك ؟
Read asAnaa bikhair.Kaifa haaluka?
MeaningIam fine.How are you?
Arabic textفي الساعة السابعة صباحا4) متى تذهب إلى المدرسة ؟
Read asFee As-sa-athi as-saabiah sabaahan.Mathaa thazhabu ilaa al-madrasah
MeaningI go to school at seven in the morning.When do you go to school?
Arabic textأمل تجلس على الكرسي5) من يجلس على الكرسي ؟
Read asAmal tajlisu alaa al-kursiy.Man yajlisu alaa al-kursiy?
MeaningAmal is sitting on the chair.Who is sitting on the chair?
Arabic textنعم…أحب دبي6) هل تحب دبي ؟
Read asNaam ...Uhibbu Dubaiy.Hal tuhibbu Dubaiy?
MeaningYes ... I like Dubai.Do you like Dubai?
Arabic textآكل الخبز و البيض7) ماذا تأكل في الصباح ؟
Read asAakulu khubz wa al-baidMaazaa takulu fee al-sabaah.
MeaningI eat bread and egg.What do you eat in the morning?
Arabic textلألعب بالكرة8) لماذا تذهب إلى الملعب ؟
Read asLi-alaba bil-kurrah.Limaazaa tazhabu ilaa al-mal-ab?
MeaningTo Play with ball.Why do you go to the playground?
Arabic textبالقلم9) بماذا تكتب في الدفتر ؟
Read asBil qalamBimaazaa thakthubu fee al-daftar?
MeaningWith pen (or Pencil).With what do you write in the notebook?

ماذا شرب الولد؟ 
Read as: Mazaa shariba Al-Waladu?
Meaning: What did the boy drink? (meaning as in the text)

يشرب الولد عصير .
Read as: Yashrabu Al-Waladu Aseer.
Meaning: The boy is drinking juice. (meaning as in the text)

أين ذهبت ليلى ؟
Read as: Aina zahabath Layla?
Meaning: Where did Layla go?

ذهبت ليلى إلى المدرسة.
Read as: Zahabath Layla ilaa Al-Madrasah.
Meaning: Layla went to the school.

كيف تذهب إلى المدرسة؟
Read as: Kaifa Tazhabu ilaa Al-Madrasah?
Meaning: How do you go to the school?

أذهب إلى المدرسة بالحافلة .
Read as: Azhabu ilaa Al-Madrasah bil haafilah.
Meaning: I go to school by bus.

هل تحب التفاح؟
Read as: Hal tuhibbu al-tuffaah?
Meaning: Do you like the apple?

نعم، أحب التفاح.
Read as:Na'am, Uhibbu al-tuffaah.
Meaning: Yes, I like the apple.

من تطبخ الطعام؟
Read as: Man tatbukhu Al-Taäam?
Meaning: Who Cooks food?

الأم تطبخ الطعام.
Read as: Al-ummu tatbukhu Al-Taäam.
Meaning: The mother Cooks food.

ما لون الموز؟
Read as: Maa lawnu al-mooz?
Meaning: What is the color of banana?

لون الموز أصفر.
Read as: Lawnu al-mooz asfar.
Meaning: The colour of banana is yellow.

متى تذهب إلى الهند؟
Read as: Mathaa Tazhabu ilaa al-hind?
Meaning: When will you go to India?

أذهب إلى الهند في إجازة الصيفية. 
Read as: Azhabu ilaa al-hind fee ijaazathi al-saifiyyah.
Meaning: I will go to India in summer holidays.

Page no.12

Ism Ishaarah qareeb ( This, These - Demonstrative Pronoun )

للقريب - For near - Lil-Qareeb

هذه بنت -

- Haazihee Binth

 This is a girl (  هذه - For a near feminine person)

هذا ولد

Hazaa Walad
This is a boy. ( هذا - This for a near masculine person)

هؤلاء بنات

Haa-ulaai Banaath
These are girls. (هؤلاء - For masculine or Feminine Group)

هؤلاء اولاد

Haa-ulaai Awlaad.
These are girls. (هؤلاء - For masculine or Feminine Group)

Ism Ishaarah Baeed ( That, Those - Demonstrative Pronoun )

للبعيد - For far - Lil-Baeed

تلك بنت -

- Thilka Binth

 That is a girl (  تلك - That for a far feminine person)

ذلك ولد

Zaalika Walad

That is a boy. ( ذلك - That for a far masculine person)

أولائك  فراشات

Ulaaika Farashaath 

Those are butterflies (أولائك - For Group -Same for Masculine or Feminine)

أولائك أقلام

Ulaaika aqlaam 

Those are pencils. (أولائك - For Group (Same for Masculine or Feminine)

Page no.13

This house - Hazaa Bait - هذا بيت

That house - zaalika bait - ذلك بيت

This bag - Haazihee haqeebah - هذه حقيبة

That bag -Thilka haqeebah - تلك حقيبة

These girls - Haa-ulaai banaath -   هؤلاء بنات

Those butterflies - Ulaaika faraashaath - أولئك فراشات

Page no.14

Fill in the blanks
يقرأ الولد الكتاب

Yaqrau al-wald al-kitab

The boy reads the book

يجلس المعلم على الكرسيّ

Yajlisu al-muallimu alaa al-kursiy

The teacher sits on the chair

الفيل حيوان كبير

Al-feel haywaanun kabir.

The elephant is a big animal

تذهب أمل إلى المدرسة

Tadhhab Amal ilaa al-madrasah

Amal goes to school

Identify the Noun, Verb, and Preposition from the sentence:

تذهب أمل إلى حديقة الحيوان مع أسرتها

Tadhhab Amal ilaa hadiqat al-hayawan maa usratiha.

Amal goes to the zoo with her family
Preposition Verb Noun
إلى  تذهب أمل
مع حديقة الحيوان

Page 15

( Verb in the past tense ) الفعل الماضي

هو فعل الذي يدلّ على حدث وقع في الزمن الماضي ( Definition in Arabic)

Read as: Huwa fael allazee yadullu alaa hadas waqaa' fee al-zaman al-maadee.

Meaning: It is a word describing an event that occurred in the past.

مثال: كتب ، شرب ، لعب ، قرأ .

Read as: Misaal: Kataba, Shariba, Laiba, Qaraa'

Meaning: Example: He wrote, He drank, He played, He read.

فعل ماضيفعل مضارعفعل الماضيفعل المضارع











Read the passage and pick out the verbs

in the past tense - فعل ماضي:

ذهب خالدإلى المطعم مع اصدقائه،

شرب خالد العصير،

و أكل صديقه الدجاج.

 رجع  الاصدقاء إلى البيت وهم سعداء

Khaled went to the restaurant with his friends,

Khaled drank juice,

and his friend ate chicken.

The friends returned home and they were happy.


Verbs in the past tense from the passage are:

ذهب ، شرب ، أكل ، رجع

Past tenseذهبشربأكلرجع
Read asZahabaSharibaAkalaRajaa'
MeaningHe wentHe drankHe ateHe returned

Page 16

Read and understand: 

Al-faslu huwa al-makaan allazee yata-allamu feehi al-talaameezu daakhilu al-madrasah.

Al-faslu kabeerun, wa nazeefun wa jameelun.

Yoojadu fee al-fasli sabboorah wa taavilah wa khazaanah wa kursiyy wa haasoob.

Tadukhulu al-muallimathu al-faslu wa thaqifu amaama al-sabboorah lithuallamu al-thalaameez al-qiraa-ah wa al-kithaabah.

Hiya thuallimu al-hisaab wa al-uloom wa al-lughathil arabiyyah.

Yajlisu al-thalaameezu khalfa al-taavilah.

Qaala Taariqu: Anaa adaoo fee haqeebatee dafaatiru, wa aqlaam wa mimhaah wa ulbathul al-waan wa kithaab hisaab wa kithaab uloom.

Qaalath al-muallimah: Hayyan Naqrau dars : "Fil  Fasl".

Meaning of the text :

A Classroom is a place in the school, in which students learn.

The classroom is big, clean and beautiful.

In the classroom, there is a blackboard, and table and closet and chairs and computers.

The (lady)teacher enters the classroom and stands in front of the blackboard to teach the students reading and writing.

She teaches math and science and the Arabic language.

In the classroom, students sit behind the table.
Taariq said: I put in my bag - notebooks and pens and eraser and colour box, and maths book and science book. 

The teacher said: Come on lets read the lesson "In the classroom".

Answer the following questions:

ماذا يوجد في الفصل؟

Mazaaa yujad fi al-fasl?

What is in the classroom?


يوجد في الفصل سبّورة و طاولة و خزانة و كرسي و حاسوب

yujad fi al-fasl sabboorah wa taawilah wa khazaanah wa kursiyy wa haasoob.

There is a blackboard, a table, a cupboard, a chair and a computer.


أين تقف المعلّمة؟

Ayna taqifu al-muallimah?

Where does the teacher stand?

تقف المعلّمة امام السّبّورة.

Taqifu al-muallimah amaama al-sabboorah.

The teacher stands in front of the blackboard.


من يجلس خلف الطاولة؟

Mann yajlisu khalfa al-taawilah?

Who sits behind the table?

يجلس التلاميذ خلف الطاولة.

Yajlisu  al-talaameezu khalfa al-taawilah.

The students sit behind the table.


ماذا يوجد في الحقيبة؟

Mazaa yujadu fil haqeebah?

What's in the bag?

يوجد في الحقيبة دفاتر و اقلام و ميمحاة و علبة الوان و كتاب حساب و كتاب علوم.

Yoojadu fee al-haqibah dafaatir wa aqlaam wa mimhaat wa Ulba alwaan wa kitab hisaab wa kitaab uloom.

In the bag there are books, pens, pencils, color box, maths book, and science book.

Page 18

Question 8:
Translate the following messages:
1) يجلس التلاميذ خلف الطاولة.
Yajlisu al-talaameezu khalfa Al-taavilah.
The students are sitting behind the table.

2) تدخل المعلِّمة الفصل.
Tadkhulu al-Muallimathu al-Fasl.
The (lady)teacher enters the classroom.

3.She is teaching Math and Science.
هي تُعلّم الحساب و العلوم.

Hiya thuallimu al-hisaab wa al-uloom.

4. The class is big and clean and beautiful.
الفصل كبير و نظيف و جميل.

Al-faslu kabeerun, wa nazeefun wa jameelun.

Form sentences using the images:

1) أنا اضع  أقلام  في العلبة

Anaa adaä aqlaam fee al-ulbah.
I put pencils in the box.

2) المعلِّمة تقف أمام السبّورة
Thaqifu al-Muallimathu amaam al-sab-boorah.
The teacher is standing in front of the blackboard.

3) اخذ الطالب الحقيبة  و ذهب إلى المدرسة

Akhaza al-thaalibu al-haqeebah wa zahaba ilaa Al-Madrasah

The student took the bag and went to school

4) اكتب في هذا الدفتر

Ukthub fee Haazaa al-daftar

Write in this notebook.

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