Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Chapter 3


Arabic Text Book 3 Chapter 3
The Pigeon and the Bee.
Al-Hamama wa Al-Nahlah.

 Chapter 3
The pigeon and the bee

Exercise 1

1) On a hot day the bee flew to the pond to drink water, and fell into the water.The bee tried to get out of the water but could not do so, it tried the second time and the third time but it could not.

How to read:
Fee yawmin haar-rin thaarath an-nahlathu ilaa birkathi maa-in li thashraba , fawaqa-ath fil maa, haawalath an-nahlathu al-khurooja Minal maai fa lam thaqdir , haawalath marrathan thaaniyah wa marrathan thaalithan falam thaqdir.

2.There was a pigeon ( standing )on the branch of the tree.The tree was close to the pond.The pigeon heard the calls..... save me........ save me.... I am drowning........I am drowning!!!

How to read:
Kaanath hamaamathun waaqifathan alaa ghusni Shajarah.Ash-shajarah qareebathun min al-birakah.
Samiáthil hamaamathu sawthan yunaadee ..... Anqizoonee ....Anqizoonee.....Anaa aghraq .... Anaa aghraq ....!!!

3) The pigeon looked down below it and saw the bee drowning in the water.The pigeon said:"This small bee is in danger.How can I help it?

How to read:
Nazarath al-hamamatu thahtahaa , wa ra-ath an-nahlatha thaghraqu fil maa.
Qaalath al-hamamatu : Haazihee Haazihee an-nahlathu as-sagheerathu fee khathar. Kaifa usaaiduhaa ?

4) The pigeon thought very quickly.It said:"I have a great idea.I will throw a branch of the tree in the water.The branch will swim like a boat, then the bee can ride in it."

How to read:
Fak-karathil hamaamathu bisurathin.
Qaalath : Indee fikrathun jayidah. Armee ghusna shajarathin fil may. Al-ghusn yawooma misla al-markabi, fa tharkabu an-nahlathu alaihaa.

5) The pigeon got hold of a branch with it's break, and threw it into the pond.The branch was now close to the bee now. The bee helped itself to reach the branch and stood on it.

How to read:
Amsakath al-hamamatu ghusna ash-shajarati bi minqaariha, ramathil hamaamathu al-ghusn fee al-birkathi, al-ghusnu qareebun min an-nahlata al-aan, sáidath an-nahlathu alaa ghusni sh-shajarathi wa-waqafath.

6)The bee looked at the pigeon and said"Thank you, O pigeon.Insha Allah,I will help you on a day soon."The bee happily flew away.

How to read:
Nazarath an-nahlathu ilaa Al-hamaamathu wa qaalath : Shukran yaa hamaamathu.
Inshaa Allah osaaiduki fee yawmin qareebin. Thaarathin-nahlathu wa hiya saeedathun.

7)The next day a hunter came to the forest.With him was a large gun.He saw the pigeon on the tree.The hunter raised the gun to shoot the bullet at the pigeon.

How to read:

Baáda yawmin jaa-a sayyaad ilaa al-ghaabah, maá sayyaad Bunduqiyah kabeerah, ra-aa as-sayyaad al-hamamah fauqa ash-shajarah, rafaá as-sayyaadu al-bunduqiyyah; liyuthliqa ar-rasaasah alaa Al-hamaamah.

8) The bee saw the hunter.The bee flew fast and sting the hunter on his arm. The hunter's hand shook, and the bullet strayed far away from the pigeon.

How to read:

Raáth an-nahlathu as-sayyaad, thaarath an-nahlathu bi surathin walasaáthi as-sayyaada fee dhiraaihi. Ihthazzath yadu s-sayyaad, wa Zahabath ar-rasaasah baeedan anil hamaamah.

9) The pigeon flew and between the trees the hunter searched for the pigeon.The hunter never found the pigeon.Searching desperately for the pigeon the hunter went very far away.

How to read:

Thaarath al-hamaamah wakhthafath baina Al-Ashjaar, Bahasa as-sayyaadu anil hamaamah.
Lam yajid As-sayyaad al-hamaamatha, zahaba as-sayyaadu baeedan yabhasu an saidin jadeedin.

10) The pigeon meet the bee.The pigeon said:"Thank you my friend.You rescued my life."The bee replied,"You rescued my life before that."

How to read:
Qaabalathil hamaamathu an-nahlatha. Qaalathil hamaamathu : Shukran yaa Sadeeqee. Anqazathee Hayathee.
Qaalathin nahlahthu : anti anqazathee min qabl !

( Translation done keeping intact the tone of the Arabic text. It may seem vaguely translated. Suggestions to improve the translation are welcome.Please send your suggestions to the translator at )

Exercise 2

Arabic Text Book 3 Lesson 3 Exercise 2 Words List
S.No. Arabic Word Read as Translation
1 بركة ماء barakat ma' Pond
2 واقف waaqif Standing
3 خطر khatr Danger
4 ذراع dhira' An arm
5 رصاصة Rasasa Bullet
6 خروج Khuruj Exit
7 وقع على الأرض Waqae alaa al'ard Fell to the ground
8 قابل صديقه Qabila sadiqahu Met his friend
9 تنادي الأم اولادها Tunadi al'umm awladhi haa The mother calls her children
10 يغرق في الماء Yaghriq fil maa' Drowning in the water
11 ينقذُهُ من الغَرَق yanqudhuh min algharaq Saving him from drowning
12 تَلسَعُ النحلةُ اليَد talsae alnnahltu alyad The bee stings the hand
13 كَانَ العُصفورُ في القَفَص kana alusfoor fi alqafas The bird was in the cage
14 العصفور خارج القفص الآن al-usfur kharij alqafas alaan The bird is out of the cage now
15 يَرفَعُ يَدَهُ yarfae yadah Raises his hand
16 حاوَل / يُحاوِل hawal / yuhawil Try / try
16a لا تحاول الخروج. الباب مغلق. la tuhawil alkhuruj. albab mughlaq. Do not try to go out. The door is closed.
17 لم Lam Did not
17a ما أكَلَ الوَلَدُ = لم ياكلُ الولدُ ma akal alwalad = lm yakl alwld The child did not eat = The child did not eat (in two different Arabic text)
18 قدر / يقدر qadr / yuqaddar Able / Being able
18a حاول النمر الخروج من القفص ولم يقدر = ما خرج hawal al nimr alkhuruj min alqafas walam yuqaddir = ma kharaj The tiger tried to get out of the cage and was not able to.
19 راى / يرى : ra'aa / yaraa : Saw / Seeing:
19a شاهد shahid Witness
19b رأى الأطفال الأسد في القفص ra'aa al'atfal al'asad fi alqafs The children saw the lion in the cage
20 فكّر fakkara Thought
20a فكّر اخي في فكرة جيّدة fakkara 'akhi fi fikratin jayyidatin My brother thought of a good idea
21 وجد / يجد wajad / yajid Found / found
21a بحث الأستاذ عن الدفتر ثمَّ وجده bahasthu al'ustadh an al dafatara thumma wajadahu The professor searched for the book and then found it
22 صيد sayd Fishing
22a اشتريت صنارة لصيد السمك aishtarayat sinarat lisayd alssamak I bought a hook for fishing

Exercise 3

1) Arabic Text: رأت الحمامة النحلة وهي تقع في البركة

Answer:  لا - No

Read as: ra'at alhamamatu alnahlata wahia taqae fil barikah

Meaning: The pigeon saw the bee which had fallen in the pond.

2) Arabic Text: يطفو غصن الشجرة على الماء.

Answer:  ( نعم - Yes )

Read as: yatfu ghasn al-shajarah álal maa.

Meaning: The branch of the tree floats on the water.

Arabic Text: أمسكت الحمامة النحلة بمنقارها وأنقذتها من الغرق

Answer: (لا - No)

Read as: Amsakat al-hamamatu al-nahlata bi minqaariha wa anqadhatha min al-gharaq.

Meaning: The pigeon held the bee in its beak and saved it from drowning.

4)Arabic Text: عش الحمامة قريبت من بيت النحلة ـ

Answer: ( لا أعرف - Don't know )

Read as:Ushh al-hamamah qaribathu min bayt al-nahlah

Meaning: The dove's nest was near the bee's house.

5)Arabic Text: لسعت النحلة الصياد في ذارعه فاهتزت يده.

Answer: ( نعم - Yes )

Read as: Lassat al-nahlah al-sayyad fi dhiraaihi fahtazzat yadahu.

Meaning: The bee stung the hunter on his arm so (it) shook his hand.

Exercise 4

1) Arabic Text:

 نظرت الحمامة تحتها، فوجدت النحلة ______تغرق___________ في الماء.

Nazarath al-hamamatu tahtahaa, fa-wajadath an-nahlah thaghruku fil maa.

The pigeon looked down and saw the bee drowning in the water.


   أكمل: Complete

هذه القضة تقول:(This story tells us that)

أ( ابتعد عن الصياد. )
Ibthaid anil sayyaadoon.
Keep away from hunters.

ب)  ساعد الناس
Saaid an-naas.
Help people.
Answer is (  ب  ) 


هذه القصة تتكلم عن: ( This story talks about)

أ( السباحة في البركة ـ )
Sibaahah fill barakah
Swimming in the pond

(ب) مباراة بين نحلة وحماة
Mubarah baina nahlah wa hamaamah.
Competition between a bee and a pigeon.

( ج ) النجدة وعمل الخير 
An-najdah was Amal al-khair.
Rescuing and good deeds.
( د ) صيد الحمام
Said Al-hamaamah.
Hunting of pigeons.
Answer is ( ج )


أنقذت الحمامة النحلة لتنقذها من الصياد.
كانت النحلة تعرف ذلك ـ
Anqazath al-hamaamathu an-nahlatha li thanqizahaa min as-sayyaad.

Kaanath an-nahlah taarifu  zaalik.

The pigeon rescued the bee so that it will be rescued from the hunter.
The bee knew about this.
Answer : ( لا ) No.


في صفحة رقم  ( ١٨ )في الفقرة  تحت صورة رقم (٢ ) كلمة معناها : النجدة !
اذكر هذه الكلمة.

Fee safhah Raqam 18 fil fiqrah tahta surah Raqam 2 - kalimah manaahaa : An-najdah.
Uzkur haazihil kalimah.

On page number 18 in the paragraph below picture Number 2 there is a word with the meaning Help!
Find the word.

Answer : أنقذوني - Anqizoonee - Save me

Exercise 5 (Level 1 - See level 2 for more information about the Grammar rules)

New Method: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences:


كانت النافذة مغلقةٌ…وهي الآن مفتوحةٌ.

Kaanath an-naafizathu mughlaqathun..... Wa hiya al-aan maftoohathun.

The window was closed ..... and it is now open.


كانت المحطة مزدحمةٌ …وهي الآن خاليةٌ.

Kaanath al-mahattah muzdahimathun ....wa hiya al-aan khaaliyathun.

The station was crowded. .... and it is now empty. 


كان الجوُّ بارداً ، و هو الآن حارّاً.

Kaanath al-jaww Baaridan... wa huwa al-aan haarr-an.

The weather was cold.... and it is now hot.


كانت الملابس جديدةٌ…وهي الآن قديمةٌ.

Kaanath al-malaabis jadeedathun.....wa hiya al-aan  qadeemathun.

The clothes were new .... and they are old now.


كان الرجل فقيراً ، و هو الآن غنياً.

Kaana ar-rajulu faqeeran.....wa huwa al-aan ghaniyyan.

The Man was poor... and he is now rich.


كانت الازهار قليلةٌ، و هي الآن كثيرةٌ.

Kaanath al-azhaaru qaleelathun...was hiya al-aan kaseerathun.

The flowers were less.... and now they are more.

Exercise 5 -  (Level 2 - See level 1 above for answers only)

New Method: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences:

 Usage of "was"  كان  and كانت:
In case of :

Masculine nouns we use - كان

Feminine nouns we use - كانت

The following explanation may be suitable for this exercise only and cannot be used as a general rule.

When the second and third word ends with ة (which means that noun is feminine) we will use - كانت


كانت النافذة مغلقةٌ…وهي الآن مفتوحةٌ.

Kaanath an-naafizathu mughlaqathun..... Wa hiya al-aan maftoohathun.

The window was closed ..... and it is now open.

 (the window is feminine and it is indicated by the ending - ة . 

Please note that all words ending with - ة  are feminine with few exceptions)


كانت المحطة مزدحمةٌ …وهي الآن خاليةٌ.

Kaanath al-mahattah muzdahimathun ....wa hiya al-aan khaaliyathun.

The station was crowded. .... and it is now empty. 
( The station if feminine indicated by - ة at the end of المحطة )


كان الجوُّ بارداً ، وهو الآن حارّاً.

Kaanath al-jaww Baaridan... wa huwa al-aan haarr-an.

The weather was cold.... and it is now hot.

(The word for "the weather" is " الجوّ ". Due to the absence of - ة we know it is masculine so we will use - كان and also the ending of these sentences will be carrying the Vowel tanween fataha ( two lines that are on top of the alphabet  are called tanween fataha)


كانت الملابس جديدةٌ…وهي الآن قديمةٌ.

Kaanath al-malaabis jadeedathun.....wa hiya al-aan  qadeemathun.

The clothes were new .... and they are old now.

( the clothes are considered feminine although it does not end with - ة .

Here the following rule is applied:
Plural non-living nouns are considered feminine.)


كان الرجل فقيراً ، و هو الآن غنياً.

Kaana ar-rajulu faqeeran.....wa huwa al-aan ghaniyyan.

The Man was poor... and he is now rich.

(Follow the rule from sentence 3)


كانت الازهار قليلةٌ، و هي الآن كثيرةٌ.

Kaanath al-azhaaru qaleelathun...was hiya al-aan kaseerathun.

The flowers were less.... and now they are more.

(Follow the rule applied in sentence 4)

Exercise 6:

New method of forming sentences:


حاولت النحلة الخروج من الماء فلم تقدر.

Haawalath an-nahlah al-khurooj min al-maa falam thaqdir.

The bee tried to get out of the water but could not.


حاول الأعمى عبور الشارع فلم يقدر .

Haawal al-aámaa Uboor ash-shaariy falam yaqdir.

The blind man tried to cross the road but could not.


حاول الصياد صيد الحمامة فلم يقدر.

Haawal as-sayyaad saiid al-hamamah falam yaqdir.

The hunter tried to hunt the pigeon but could not.

حاول الراعي نجدة الغنم

فلم يقدر.

Haawala ar-raaee najdatha alghanam falam yaqdir.

The shepherd tried to save the lamb but he could not.

حاولت الأم الاستراحة في الغرفة فلم تقدر.

Haawalath Al-ummu al-isthiraahah fil ghurfah falam thaqdir.

The mother tried to rest in the room but she could not.

حاول أخي لعب كرة القدم فلم يقدر.

Haawalath akhee laiba kurrathal qadam falam yaqdir.

My brother tried to play football but he could not.

Exercise 7 : Sounds:

First: Listen to the sentence (which is read out) , find out which is being read, and write the answer (a) or (b) in the box given:

Second: Listen and repeat the words.

Third: Read the phrases aloud.


a) Shaahad-thu nahlathan alaa ghusnish Shajarah.

b) Shaahad-thu nakhlathan aálaa minash Shajarah.

a) I saw a bee on the branch of the tree.

b) I saw a palm tree taller than the tree.


a) Athliqu as-sayyaadu rasaasah álaa al-hamaamah.

b) Athliqu at-tayyaaru rasaasah álaa ad-dab-baa-bah.


a) The hunter shot a bullet at the pigeon.

b) The pilot fired a bullet at the tank.

Exercise 8

Take part in this dialogue:

المشهد الأول

Al mashhadd Al-awwalu.

The first scene:

النحلة : أنقذيني ...أنقذيني... سأغرق .

An-nahlah : Anqizeenee .. Anqizeenee

The Bee: Save me ... Save me ... I'll drown.

الحمامة : انتظري ... هذا غصن شجرة ...اِصعدي عليه .

Al-hamamah: Inthaziree ... Haazaa ghusn Shajarah ...isadee alaihi.

Pigeon: Wait ... This is a branch of a tree ... get on it.

النحلة : شكرًا يا صديقي الحمامة ...أنقذت حياتي ...

An-nahlah: Shukran yaa Sadeeqee al-hamamah ... Inqazati Hayathee.

Bee: Thanks my friend O pigeon ... You saved my life ...

(المشهد الثاني) (Scene II)

النحلة:انتبهي يا حمامة . .. الصياد . . . الصياد . .. (تلسع الصياد في ذراعه).

An-nahlah: Inthabhee yaa hamaamah... As-sayyaad .. As-sayyaad (Thalsau As-sayyaad fee dhiraaihi )

Bee: Watch out o pigeon. .. the hunter . . . the hunter . .. (the bee stings in the hunter's arm).

الصياد: آه ... آه ... ماذا فعلت ؟ 

As-sayyaadh: Aah ...Aah...maazaa faalthi.?

The hunter: Ah ... ah ... What did you do?

النحلة: لسعتك في ذراعك ... الحمد لله ... ذهبت الرصاصة بعيدا.

An-nahlah: Lasaáthuka fee ziraá-ik ....alhamdu lillah....Zahabath ar-rasaasah baeedan.

Bee: I sting on your arm ... Thank God ... The bullet went astray.

الصياد: لماذا فعلت ذلك؟

As-sayyaad: Limazaa faálthi zaalik?

Hunter: Why did you do that?

النحلة: كنت أغرق، وساعدتني الحمامة وأنقذتني .

An-nahlah: Kunthu aghraq ,wa saádathnee al-hamamah wa anqazathnee.

Bee: I was drowning, and the pigeon helped me and saved me.

الصياد: وكيف لا تخافين مني ومعي هذه البندقية؟

The hunter: wa Kaifa laa thkhaafeena min-nee wa maéya Haazihee al-Bunduqiyah.

Hunter: How is it, you don't fear me and this gun?

النحلة: أنا لا أخاف منك ... ولا أخاف من بندقيتك ... امش بعيدا من هنا.

An-nahlah : Anaa laa akhaafu minka ...walaa akhaafu min Bunduqiyathik...amshee baeédan min hunaa.

Bee: I'm not afraid of you ... Nor am I afraid of your gun ... Walk far away from here.

الصياد:أمشي بعيدا . .؟

As-sayyaad: amshee baeédan..?

Hunter: (What) I walk away. . ?

النحلة: سأنادي أصدقائي النحل ...

An-nahlah: Sa-unaadee asdiqaaee an-nahl...

Bee: I will call my friends - (all) the bees ...

الصياد: لا ...لا ... لا تنادي ... سأذهب من هنا ...سأذهب من هنا ...

As-sayyaad: Laa....Laa...Laa thunaadee.... sa-Azhabu min hunaa ... sa-Azhabu min hunaa....

Hunter: No ... No ... Do not call ... I'll go from here ... I'll go from here ...

Exercise 9:

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Question 1:

ماذا يفعل الولد ؟

Maazaa yaf-alu Al-Waladu ?

What is the boy doing?

Answer 1:

الولد يسبح في الماء .

Al-Waladu Yasbahu fil maa.

The boy is swimming in the water.

Question 2:

لماذا ينادي الولد؟

Limazaa Yuna-dee Al-Waladu ?

Why is the boy calling?

Answer 2:

الولد ينادي لأنه يغرق .

Al-Waladu Yuna-dee liannahu yaghriqu.

The boy is calling because he is drowning.

Question 3:

ماذا رمى أحمد في الماء ؟

Maazaa ramaa Ahmadu fil maa?

What did Ahmad throw in the water?

Answer 3:
رمى أحمد العوامة في الماء.

Ramaa Ahmadu al-awaamah fil maa.

Ahmad threw the bouy in the water.

Question 4:
ماذا فعل الولد بالعوامة ؟

Maazaa faála Al-Waladu bil awwaamah.

What did Ahmad do with the bouy?

Answer 4:
الولد عوم بالعوامة.

Al-Waladu awama bilawaama.

The boy floated with the bouy.

Question 5:
إلى أين شدّ أحمد الحبل ؟

Ilaa Aina shidda Ahmadu al-Habl.

Where did Ahmad tie the rope?

Answer 5:
شدّ أحمد الحبل إلى المركب.

Shidda Ahmad al-Habl  ilaa al-markab.

Ahmad tied the rope to the boat.

Question 6:

لماذا يشكر الولد أحمد ؟

Limazaa yashkuru Al-Waladu Ahmad?

Why did the boy thank Ahmad?

Answer 6:

لأن أحمد أنقذه من الغرق .

Lianna Ahmad anqazahu min al-gharaq.

Because Ahmad saved him from drowning.

Exercise 10

1) أين يختبئ الصيّادون؟
Aina yakhtabee as-sayyaadoon?
Where are the hunters hiding?

في المراكب.
Fil maraakib.
In the boats.

2)ماذا يفعل الصيّادون؟
Maaza yafalu as-sayyaadoon?
What are the hunters doing?

يطلق النار ليصطاد.
They are firing for hunting.

3)أين أطلق الصيّادون النار؟
Aina yathluku an-naar as-sayyaadoon.
Where are the hunters firing.

على بطّة.
Alaa Battah.
On the ducks.

4)كم بطّة وقعت؟
Kam Battah waqaáth?
How many ducks fell?

أربع بطّة
Arbau Battah.
Four Ducks.

5)لماذا يجري الكلب؟
Limazaa yajree al-kalb.
Why is the dog running.

لآخذ البطة.
Li Aakhuza al-battah.
To take the duck.

6)هل تحبّ صيد البطّة؟ لماذ ؟
Hal tuhibbu Saidul Battah?
Do you like hunting of ducks?

لا.لا أحبّ قتل الحيوان.
La, la Uhibbu qatl al-haiwaan.
No, I don't like killing animals.

7)هل تحبّ صيد السمك؟ لماذ ؟
Hal tuhibbu Saidul Samak? limazaa?
Do you like fishing ? Why?

نعم, لأنها لزيزة.
Na'am, liannhaa lazeezun.
Yes, because it is delicious.

8)بم تصطاد السمك؟
Bima tastaadu as-samak.
With what do you do fishing?

Bi markab.
With a boat.

9)( أين تصطاد السمك؟
Aina tastaadu as-samak?
Where do you do fishing?

في البحر.
Fill Bahr.
In the sea.

10)من أين يصطاد الناس الأسد والنمر؟
Min Aina yastaadu an-naas al-asad was an-nimr?
Where do people hunt for lion and tiger?

في الغابة.
Fil ghaabah.
In the forest.

Exercise 11: First read the secret code and find the message. Then write it down in the blank given:

This is the code:

يا حمامة الصياد سيطلق الرصاصة.

Yaa hamaamah as-sayyaad sa-yathliqu ar-rasaasah.

O pigeon the hunter is about to fire the bullet.

The answer to fill in the blank:

(Translation is same as above)

يا حمامة الصياد سيطلق الرصاصة

Exercise 12:

Read the given part of the sentence and fill the blanks, then match with the picture:

يطير بهما العصفور ( جناحان )

Yatheeru bihimaa al-usfoor.

Birds fly with both of them. (Answer : Two Wings)

This sentence matches with picture - 3.

ترعى في المرعى ( اغنام )

Tharee fee al-maree ( Aghnaam - Plural of ghanam)

Shepherds graze in pastures( Answer: Sheep )

This sentence matches with picture - 4.

تعيش في الغابة. ( حيوانات )

Thaeeshu fil ghaabah. ( Haiwaanaath)

Live in the forest.( Answer : Animals)

This sentence matches with picture - 1.

نعملها من الخشب( صنادق )

Naámaluhaa min al-khashab.(Sanaadiq)

We make with wood ( Answer : Boxes )

This sentence matches with picture - 5.

نصطاد بها السمك ( صنّارة )

Nasthaadu bihaa as-samak.( Sinnaarah )

We catch fish with it. (Answer : Fishing rod )

This sentence matches with picture - 2.

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First of all – let me congratulate you on the brilliant work you have done by posting such valuable translation and solved exercises on your blog –

My son- studies in the 6th Grade in a CBSE (Indian curriculum) school in Sharjah, UAE and up until now Grade I-V– the chapters and Arabic was easy and progressive (or atleast the teachers were good) -- - but lately – the Arabic lessons are getting big and confusing us.

As a non Arabic speaker – its becoming very difficult for my son to cope up and that’s when we found this website which is a precious resource for us – Thanks a ton !!

On the chapter 3 – Bee and Pigeon – can you please send us the solved Exercises 6,7,9 & 12 (which is not on your website) appearing on page numbers 22-25

My son is studying the Green Book from the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States – titled “ Uhibu Al Arabiyat” Kitab Al Talmeez – 3. (2107 edition- Riyadh)

Many thanks

Himanshu Vyas

Your effort is valuable.
All bests.

Please post your comments here.