Arabic Text Book 3 Chapter 10
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Word Number |
يوم: | ذات | لابنه | جحا | قال | Arabic |
yawm: | Zaatha | li-ibnihi | Juhaa | Qaala | Read as |
day: | That | To his son | Juha | He said | Word meaning |
Juha said to his son that day: | Interpretation |
Arabic Text Book 3 Lesson 10 Exercise 2 Words List | |||
S.No. | Arabic Word | Meaning | Read as |
1 | مرَّ ( القطار بالقرية ) | Passed by (the train passed by the village) | Marra (Al-qitaaru bil qaryah) |
2 | نساء | Lady | Nisaa |
3 | طريق | Way | Tareeq |
4 | يستريح (تحت الشجرة) | Resting (under the tree) | Yastaree (tahta as-shajarah ) |
5 | جماعة (من الأولاد) | Group (of boys) | Jamal (min Al-awlaad) |
6 | يمشي (على الأقدام) | Walking (on feet) | Yamshee (alaa al-aqdaam) |
7 | منظر ( أشجار على النّحر ) | View (of trees on the river side) | Manzar (Ashjaar alan-nahr) |
8 | طرف (الخشبة) | Side (of a wood) | Taraf (al-khashabah) |
9 | كتف | Shoulder | Katif |
10 | تجتمع (الأسرة) | Gathering of the family | Tajtamiu al-Usrah |
11 | لا شيء | Nothing | Laa Shai-a( |
12 | أعجب / يعجب | Surprising | Ajab / Uájib |
13 | بعض | Some of the | Baádu |
14 | أصدقاء | Friends | Asdiqaa |
15 | آخر | Another | Aakhar |
16 | هكذا | Like this | Haakazaa |
17 | مجنون | Insane | Majnoon |
Draw A Circle around the correct answer:
1) Answer : No ( لا ) Arabic Text: غضبت إمرأة عندما مشى جُحا خلف الحمار و ركب إبنه. Read As: Ghadibath lmra-athu indhamaa mashaa Juhaa khalfa al-himaara wa rakiba ibnuhu. Meaning: The woman got angry when Juha walked behind the donkey and his son was riding on it.
غضب أصدقاء جُحا عندما شاهدوا جُحا يمشي وابنه ويركب الحمار Read As: Ghadiba asdiqaa Juhaa indamaa shaahaduu Juhaa yamshi wa ibnahu yarkabu al-himaara. Meaning: Juha's friends got angry when they saw Juha walking and his son was riding the donkey.
Meaning: Juha took a strong branch from a tree and hit the donkey with it.
Meaning: Juha and his son entered the market and they were carrying the donkey.
Exercise 4
Did you understand the story :
Exercise 4.1
ربط جحا الحمار بالغصن ، ووضع طرف الغصن على كتفه
Rabatha Juhaa al-Himaar bil ghusn , wa wadaá tharf al-ghusn alaa kathfihi.
Juhaa tied the donkey to a branch and placed an end of the branch on his shoulder.
Exercise 4.2
The important idea from the story is:
( أ )
كن طيّبًا مع الحيوان .
Kun thayiban make al-haiwaan.
Be good to animals.
( ب )
لا شيء يعجب الناس
Laa Shai yujibu an-naas
People won't admire anything.
(This is the correct answer)
Exercise 4.3
We know from this story that:
( أ )
جحا وابنه لا يخافان الله .
Juhaa wa ibnuhu laa yakhaafaan Allah.
Juhaa and his son did not fear God.
( ب )
جحا مجنون وابنه مجنون .
Juhaa majnoon wa ibnuhu majnoon.
Juhaa was mad and his son was mad.
( ج )
- This is the answer
- This is the answer
جحا له حمار واحد .
Juhaa lahu Himaar waahid.
Juhaa has one donkey.
( د )
جحا رجل غني جدا .
Juhaa rajulun ghaneeyun Jiddan.
Juhaa was a very rich man.
Exercise 4.4
عندما شاهدت بعض النساء جحا و ابنه ، صاحت امرأة وقالت : كيف تمشي أيها الرجل الكبير و ابنك يجلس و يستريح فوق الحمار ؟
Answer is - No - لا .
Indamaa shaahadath baádu an-nisaa Juhaa wa ibnuhu , saahath imra-ah wa qaalath : Kaifa thamshee aiyuhar rajulu al-Kabeeru wa ibnuka yajlisu wa yasthareehu fawqa al-Himaar?
When some women saw Juhaa and his son , a women shouted and said : how is it that you walk , being a big man , while your son sits and rests on the donkey?
Exercise 4.5 Recall the word:
في الفقرة رقم ( ٥ ) كلمة معناها : " شارع "
Fill fiqrah Raqam 5 kalimah maánaahaa : " Shaariy "
In paragraph 5 there is a word with the meaning - " Road "
Answer : طريق - Tareeq - Road
Exercise 5: New Method:
1) Question:
هل اتجه جحا وابنه نحو السوق؟
Hal it thajihu juhaa wa ibnuhu
Did Juha and his son
go to the market?
go to the market?
نعم ، جحا وابنه اتجها نحو السوق.
Naa’m, Juhaa wa ibnahu
it-thajahaa nahw-as-sooq.
Yes, Juha and his son
went to the market.
went to the market.
2) Question:
هل ذهب المسافرون إلى المحطة ؟
Hal zahaba al-musaafiroon
ilaa al-mahattah?
Have the travelers gone
to the station?
to the station?
نعم، المسافرون ذهبوا إلى المحطة.
Naa’m, al-musaafiroon zahaboo
ilaa al-mahattah.
Yes, the travelers went
to the station.
to the station.
3) Question:
هل قابل الأصدقاء جحا وابنه؟
Hal qaabila al-asdiqaa Juhaa wa ibnahu?
Did the friends meet Juha and his son?
نعم ، الأصدقاء قابلوا جحا وابنه
Naa’m , al-asdiqaa qaabiloo Juhaa wa ibnahu.
Yes, the friends met Juha and his son
4) Question:
هل شاهد الأولاد حمار جحا ؟
Hal shaahidu al-awlaadu himaar Juhaa.
Did the boys see the donkey of Juha?
نعم، الأولاد شاهدوا حمار جحا .
Naa’m, al-awlaadu shaahidoo himaar Juhaa.
Yes, the children saw the donkey of Juha.
5) Question:
هل حمل جحا وابنه الحمار ?
Hal hamila Juhaa wa ibnahu al-himaar?
Did Juha and his son carry the donkey.
نعم، جحا و ابنه حملا الحمار .
Naa’m, Juhaa wa ibnahu hamilaa al-himaar.
Yes, Juha and his son carried the donkey.
6) Question:
هل قرأ التلميذان قصّة جحا ؟
Hal qara-a ath-thilmeezaan qissatha Juhaa?
Did the students read the story of Juha?
نعم ، التلميذان قروا قصّة جحا
Naa’m , ath-thilmeezaan qaraoo qissatha Juhaa.
Yes, the two students have read the story of Juha.
Exercise 6: New Method:
1) Question:
الحمار / ابن / يمشي
Al Himaar / ibnu / Yamshee
The donkey / Son / Walking
كيف تركب الحمار و تترك ابنك يمشي ؟
Kaifa tharkabu al- himaar wa Thathruku ibnaka Yamshee.
How do you ride the donkey and leave your son walking?
الناس / جدّ / فقير
An-naas / jadd / faqeer
People / Grandfather / Poor
كيف تساعد الناس و تترك جدّك فقيرا ؟
Kaifa thusaaidu an-naas wa Thathruku jaddaka?
How do you help people and leave your grandfather poor?
الماء / أخت / عطشانة
Al-maa / Ukht / Athshaanah
The water / sister / thirsty.
كيف تشرب الماء و تترك أختك عطشانة ؟
Kaifa thashrabu al-maa wa Thathruku ukhthaka Athshaanah?
How do you drink water and leave your sister thirsty?
الطعام / خادم / جوعان
Ath-tha-áam / khaadim / jawáan
The food / servant / hungry
كيف تأكل الطعام و تترك خادمك جوعان ؟
Kaifa thakulu Ath-tha-áam wa Thathruku khaadimaka jawáan?
How do you eat food and leave your servant hungry?
النافذة / باب / مغلق
An-naafizah / Baab / mughlaq
The window / door / closed
كيف تفتح النافذة و تترك الباب مغلقا ؟
Kaifa thafthahu an-naafizah wa Thathruku al-baab mughlaq?
How do you open the window and leave the door closed?
السيارة / أمّ / تسير
As-sayyaarah / umm / thaseer
The car / mother / walking
كيف تركب السّيّارةَ و تترك أمك تسيرًا .
Kaifa tharkabu As-sayyaarah wa Thathruku ummuka thaseeran ?
How do you ride the car and leave your mother walking ?
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