Arabic Text Book 3 Chapter 20
Exercise 1 Paragraph 1
اصطاد صياد عصفورا.
Asthaad sayyaad usfooran.
A hunter hunted a bird.
Fariha as-sayyaadu wa amsakahu bi asaabiahu,
The hunter became happy and held it in his fingers,
Faqaala al-usfoor was huwa fee yadihi :
So the bird said (to the hunter) while in his hand:
Mazaa thureedu minnee ?
What do you want from me?
Faqaala ar-rajulu :
The man said:
Azbahuka wakul lahmaka.
I will slaughter you and eat your flesh.
Faqaala al-usfoor :
The bird said:
wa hal lahmee Yashbauka?
Does my flesh satisfy you?
Inna lahmee qaleelun.
Certainly my flesh is less.
Qaala ar-rajulu :
The Man said :
Qaleelun laakinnahu lazeezun.
It's less but its tasty.
Paragraph 2 :
قال العصفور:
Qaala al-usfoor:
The bird said:
Maa raa-uka?
What is your opinion?
Aa’theeka maa huwa anfau’ laka min lahamee wa akalee.
I will give you a something more useful than my flesh and eating it.
So the man said :
Maazaa thu’-thee-nee?
What can you give me?
Faqaala al-usfooru:
Then the bird said:
Aa’-thee-ka salaasa nasaa-ih
I will give you three advice:
Izaa tha-a’l-lamtha-haa kasabtha khairan kaseerah.
If you learnt them you would earn a lot of benefit from it.
Paragraph 3 :
فقال الرجل:
So the man said:
A-kasabu khairan kaseera min salaasa nasaaih?
(What?) I will earn a lot of good from three advice!
Faqaala lahoo al-usfooru: Naa’m
Then the bird said to him: Yes.
Then the man said:
Uzkur lee haazihee an-nasaaih as-salaa-s.
Remind me of these three advice.
Paragraph 4 :
قال العُصفور:
Qaala al-usfooru:
Sparrow said:
لي شروط.
Lee shurooth.
I have (some) conditions
فقال الرجل:
Fa qaala ar-rajulu:
The man said:
ما هذه الشروط؟
Maa haazihee ash-shurooth?
What are these conditions?
فقال العصفور:
Faqaala al-usfooru:
Al-Asfour said:
أُعَلِّمك النصيحة الأولى وأنا في يدك.
Oo-allimu-ka an-naseehath al-oolaa wa ana fee yadika.
I teach you the first advice while I am in your hand.
فقال الرجل:
Faqaala ar-rajulu:
The man said:
شرط سهل.
Sharth sahal.
Easy condition.
والنصيحة الثانية؟
(What about) The second advice?
فقال العصفور:
Faqaala al-usfooru:
Then the bird said:
أعلمك النصيحة الثانية إذا أطلقت سراحي.
Oo-allimu-ka an-naseehath as-saaniah izaa athlaqtha saraahee
I advise you the second advice if you let me go.
Paragraph 5 :
فقال الرجل: والنصيحة الثالثة؟
Faqaala ar-rajulu: Wan-naseehathus-saali-sathu?
The man said: (What about )The third advice?
فقال العصفور: أعلمك النصيحة الثالثة عندما أطير وأصبح فوق الشجرة.
Fa qaala al-usfooru: Allamaka an-naseehathas-saalisathu indamaa atheeru wa asbahu fawqa ash-shjarah.
The bird said: I will advise you the third advice when I am left free to fly over the tree.
فقال الرجل: قبلت الشروط. قل النصيحة الأولى.
Faqaala ar-rajulu: Qabilthu ash-shurooth. Qul an-naseehah al-oolaa.
The man said: I accept the conditions. (And said)Tell the first advice.
قال العصفور: النصيحة الأولى: لا تحزن على ما ضاع منك.
The Bird said: The first advice: Do not grieve for what is lost from you.
فقال الرجل: والثانية؟
The man said: And the second?
فقال العصفور: أطلق سراحي أولا.
The Bird said: I want to be released first.
فأطلق الرجل العصفور من يده، ووقف على الأرض قريبا منه.
The man let out the bird from his hand, and it stood on the ground near him.
Paragraph 7 :
قال العصفور: النصيحة الثانية: لا تصدق ما لا يمكن أن يكون.
طار العصفور إلى أعلى الشجرة، وصاح: أيها الإنسان. لو كنت ذبحتني لاخرجت من بطني ماسة كبيرة وزنها نصف كيلو.
The Bird said: The second advice: Do not believe what can not be(true).
The bird flew to the top of the tree, and shouted: O man. If you slaughtered me to get out of my stomach a large diamond weighing half a kilo.
Paragraph 8 :
غضب الرجل، وعض شفتيه. كم نظر إلى العصفور وقال: هات النصيحة الثالثة.فقال العصفور: نسيت النصيحتين الأولى والثانية، فكيف أقول لك الثالثة؟!
The man's anger, biting his lips. How he looked at the bird and said: Hat the third advice.
The Bird said: I forgot the first two and the second, how can I tell you the third ?!
Paragraph 9 :
قال الرجل: "قلها من فضلك". فقال العصفور: قلت لك "لا تحزن على ما ضاع منك".و "لا تصدق ما لا يمكن أن يكون فكيف تكون في بطني ماسة وزنها نصف
The man said, "Please tell that (advice)" The Bird said: I said to you, "Do not grieve for what is lost from you"
And "Do not believe what can not be(true),so how can there be - in my stomach (a diamond) worth half a kilo in weight?!.
Paragraph 10 :
واستمر العصفور في كلامه: إن لحميوعظمي وريشي لا يزن شيئا. فكيف تكون في
بطني ماسة وزنها أثقل من جسمي ؟!
كان منظر الرجل مضحكا.
استطاع عصفور صغير أن يضحك
على إنسان.
And the bird continued its words: The flesh
And my bone and feathers weigh nothing.
How can there be in my stomach is a lot heavier than my body?
The man's view was funny.
A small bird could laugh on a human being.
And my bone and feathers weigh nothing.
How can there be in my stomach is a lot heavier than my body?
The man's view was funny.
A small bird could laugh on a human being.
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