Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Chapter 18


Arabic Text Book 3 Chapter 18

Exercise 1: 

Paragraph 1:

كان السندباد بحارا يحب السفر بالبحر وفي يوم علم السندباد أنّ سفينة
كبيرة ستسافر إلى الهند فطلب من قائد السفينة أن يسافر عليها.

Kaana as-sindbaad bah-haaran, Uhibbu as-safara bil-bahri was fee yawmin alima  as-sindbaad
Anna safeenah kabeerah sathusaafiru ilaa al-hind fathalaba min qaaidis-safeenah an usaafira alaihaa.

Sinbad was a sailor who loved to travel by sea, and on the day Sinbad came to know that a large ship will travel to India and he asked(permission from) the ship's captain to travel on it.

Paragraph 2:

سارت السفينة في البحر , ووصلت إلى جزيزة بعيدة خالية من الناس.
نزل البحارة فجلسوا تحت الأشجار يأكلون الفاكهة.

Saarath as-safeenah fil Bahr, was wasalath ilaa Jazeerah bayeedah Khaaliah minan naas.
Nazala al-bah-haarah fajalasoo thahta al-ashjaar yakuloona alfaakihah.

The ship went into the sea and arrived at a distant island, free of people.
The sailors came down and sat under the trees, eating the fruits.

Paragraph 3:

مشى السندباد في الجزيرة ليشاهد ما فيها. مشى  طويلا حتى تعب. نام السندباد تحت ظل شجرة.

Mashaa as-sindbaad fil Jazeerah li yushaahida maa feehaa. Masha taveelan hatta taáb.Naam as-sindbaad thata zilli Shajarah.

Sindbad walked on the island to see what was in it. He walked long until he got tired. Sinbad slept under the shadow of a tree.

Paragraph 3 continued.

إستيقظ السندباد فلم يجد البحّارة صعد فوق تل فرأى السفينة بعيدة في
البحر. ‎ ‏

Isthaiqiza as-sindbaad falam yajidu al-bahharah, Saida fauqa thill fara-aa as-safeenah baeedah till bahr.

Sindbad woke up and could not find the sailors (so he) climbed to the top of a hill and saw the shop far away in the sea

Paragraph 4:

‏نظر السندباد حوله, فرأى بيضة كبيرة في مكان بعيد, ذهب السندباد إلى البيضة ٬ فوجد البيضة أكبر منه ، فجلس قريبا منها يستريح ، ويفكّر في أمرها.
Nazara as-sindbaad hawlahu fara-aa Baidathan kabeerathan fee makaanin baeed, zahaba as-sindbaad ilaa albaidah,fawajad albaidah akbara minhu fajalasa qareeban minhaa yastareeh wa yufakkiru fee amrihaa.

Sindbad looked around him and saw a large egg at a distant place. Sindbad went to it and found it was larger than him. So he sat near it resting and and thinking about it.

Paragraph 5: Translation only.

After a short while a giant bird landed theere , and stood near the egg , and Sindbad took out his Turban , and tied himself to the leg of the bird.

The bird flew and Sindbad was tied to it's leg.

The bird rose in the sky (space) and Sindbad was scared.

Paragraph 6: Translation only.

The bird descended in a wide land , surrounded by tall mountains.
Sindbad untied the turban , and the bird flew.

Sindbad looked around and he doing not find anyone , and he looked at the ground , and found large stones of shiney diamonds.

At night fall , Sindbad slept in a cave under the mountain.

Paragraph 7:Translation only.

Sindbad came out in the morning to collect the diamonds , and found large pieces of flesh on the floor - then he remembered that the traders threw pieces of flesh, when the flesh got stuck with the diamonds then the eagles came and took the flesh to their nests , the traders were present  there , and (they) drove the eagles and took the diamonds.

Paragraph 8:Translation only.

Sindbad said to himself: I shall collect a bag of diamonds. 

And he tied himself to a piece of flesh , and held the bag with his hand, then landed a large eagle , and carried the piece of flesh and Sindbad and the bag of diamonds to it's nest.

Paragraph 9:Translation only.

And when the eagle descended into it's nest , found one of the traders awaiting it , the eagle feared and released what it was carrying and left.

The trader got angry when he saw Sindbad and asked: 
Who are you? 
And how did you come here? You are stealing my diamonds.

Paragraph 10: Translation only.

Sindbad said: I will give you half of the diamonds that I have if you will help me reach me my country.

The trader took half of the diamonds from Sindbad , and Sindbad rode the big ship, and returned to his country , and lived rich.

( The above translation done keeping in mind the presentation in the Arabic text )

Exercise 2: New words (with translation)

Meanings of words in Arabic text book 3 Lesson 18 page 152

Meanings of words in Arabic text book 3 Lesson 18 page 152 words 13 to 15
Meanings of words in Arabic text book 3 Lesson 18 page 152 words 16 to 19

Exercise 3:

State if "True or False".

Arabic Text book 3 - Lesson 18 Page 153 Exercise 4:(Page added on special request on March 11,2017)

Exercise 9

Questions and Answers:

Question 1)

ماذا كان السندباد ؟

Maazaa kaana Sindbaad?

What was Sindbad?


كان السندباد بحّارًا .

Kaana Sindbaad Bah-haaran.

Sindbad was a sailor.

Question 2)

ماذا يحب السندباد ؟

Mazaa uhibbu al-Sindbaad?

What did Sindbad like?


هو يحب السّفر بالبحر .

Huwa uhibbu as-safar bil bahr.

He liked to travel by sea.

Question 3)

ماذا طلب السندباد من قائد السفينة ؟


طلب السندباد من قائد السفينة أن يسافر معه في السفينة.

Question 4)

إلى أين وصلت السفينة ؟


وصلت السفينة إلى جزيرةٍ بعيدةٍ .

Question 5)

أين نام السندباد ؟

Where did Sindbad sleep?


نام السندباد تحت ظل الشجرةٍ .

Sindbad slept under the shade of a tree.

Question 6)

إلى أين  نظر  السندباد ؟

Where did Sinbad look?


نظر السندباد حوله .

Sindbad looked around him.

Question 7)

ماذا ارأى السندباد ؟

What did Sinbad see?


ارأى السندباد بيضةً كبيرةً في مكانٍ بعيدٍ .

Sinbad saw a large egg in a distant place.

Question 8)

ماذا يفكّر السندباد ؟

What did Sinbad think?


يفكِّر السندباد في أمرها لأنها أكبر منه .

Sinbad thought about the egg because it was bigger than him.

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