Arabic Text Book 3 Chapter 4
Jobs and Professions
Al-aa'maal wal Mihan
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Exercise 1 - Works and Professions. (Translation of the Text)
1) People work in many places.My father works, my mother works, my elder brother works.2) This is a farmer, he is cultivating in the Earth, and watering the plants.And this is his wife, she is milking the cow.
3) This is a merchant, he is selling whatever people need, from food to clothes and house hold items.
4) She is a teacher, she teaches students at school to read and to write.
5)This is a police man. He stands in the middle of the road and regulates the movement of cars and people.
6) This is a carpenter, he cuts wood in the Carpenter's workshop. He makes chairs and doors. And he makes boxes-large and small.
7) This is a doctor. She is treating a(female) patient and prescribing medicine for her.
8) This is a baker. He mixes flour and prepares bread and makes cake.
9) This is an engineer.He makes houses and works on construction of roads and runs manufacturing units.
10)And this is a pilot and he flies planes and he takes people from place to country to country. ( Translation done keeping intact the tone of the Arabic text. It may seem vaguely translated. Suggestions to improve the translation are welcome.Please send your suggestions to the translator at )
Exercise 2 New Words. (Note for mobile users: The table is best viewed in landscape mode)
Arabic Text | Read as | Meaning | |
1 | الفلاحه تربيّ الدجاج | Al-falla-hah Thurab-bee ad-daj-jaa-jah | The (lady) farmer is rearing the hen. |
2 | طعام | Ta-aam | Food |
3 | ادوات المنزل | Adawaat al-manzil | House hold items |
4 | قراءة | Qiraa-ah | Reading |
5 | كتابه | Kitaa-bah | Writing |
6 | الشرطي ينظم المرور | Ash-shurti yunaz-zimu al-muroor | The policeman is controlling the traffic. |
7 | ينشر الخشب | Yan-shuru al-khashab | Sawing the wood. |
8 | كراسي | Karaa-siyy | Chairs |
9 | الطائرة تنقل الناس | At-taairah tanqulu an-naas | The plane is transporting people |
10 | الطبيبة تعالج المريضة | At-tabeebah thu-aaliju al-mareedah | The (lady)doctor treats the (lady)patient |
11 | خباز | Khabbaz | Baker |
12 | يعجن | Yajinu | He kneads |
13 | يخبز | yakhbaz | Bake |
14 | مصانع | Masaaniu | Factories |
15 | الطيّار يقود الطائرة | At-tayyaar yaqoodu at-taairah | The pilot is (flying) driving the plane |
16 | المعلِّمة تعلم التلميذات | Al-muallimathu thuallimu at-tilmeezaath | The teacher(lady) teaches the girl students |
Meanings of words 17 to 22:
17) Arabic Text:
كل : قرأت كل قصص الكتاب. وما تركت قصة واحدة.
Read as: Kullu : Qarathu kullu qisas al-kitaab. Wa maa tharakthu qissah waahidah.
Meaning : All: I read all the stories of the book. I did not leave a single story.
18) Arabic Text:
مكان: هل تعرف مكان أبي؟ هل هو في المسرح؟ هل هو في المتحف؟ لا أبوك في المحطة
Meaning : Place : Do you know where my father is? Is it in the theater? Is he in the museum? No your father is at the station.
19) Arabic Text:
ما: شاهدت المعطف والقميص والبدلة. ولا أعرف ما أشترى منها
Read as: Maa: Shaahidthu al-meuthaf, wal qamees wal badlah.walaa aa’rifu maa ashtharaa minhaa.
Meaning : What : I saw the coat, the shirt and the suit. I do not know what
To buy from (among)them.
20) Arabic Text:
شَغَّلَ - يُشَغِّلُ : جاء المهندس فشغل المصنع وبدأ العمل
Read as: Shagh-ghala - U’sahagh-ghalu : Jaa al-muhandisu fashaghala al-masnaa’ wa bada-a al-amal.
Meaning : Operated - is operating : The engineer came and operated the plant and started the work.
21) Arabic Text:
مهن : التاجر صاحب مهنة. والمهندس صاحب مهنة والطبيب صاحب مهنة. و هؤلاء أصحاب مهن
Read as: Mihan : At-taajiru saahib mihnah.wa al-muhandisu saahib mihnah wa al-tabeeb saahib mihnah.wa haaulaai ashaab mihan.
Meaning : Profession : Trader is a person with a profession. The engineer is a person with a profession.The doctor is a person with a profession. These are professionals.
أعمال: جمع امل - اشترك هذا المهندس في أعمال كثيرة في المصنع
Read as: A-a’maal : Jamau amal. Ishthraka haazaa al-muhandis fee aa’maal katheerah fil masnaa’
Meaning : Works: Plural of work - This engineer takes part in many works in the factory
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer (Yes - No - or I don't know) - Draw A Circle around the correct answer:
1 - تساعد الفلاحة زوجها فى العمل .
Answer is Yes - نعم.
Thusaaidu al-fallahah zawjihaa fil amal.
The farmer(lady) helps her husband in (his) work.
2- الشرطئ ينظم مرور السيارات والناس .
Answer is Yes - نعم.
Ash-shurthee yunazzimu muroor as-sayyaaraath wan-naas.
The police man regulates the passage of cars and people.
3- الخبّاز يصنع الصنديق من الخشب.
Answer is No - لا
Al-khabbaasu yasnau as-sanaadiqu min al-kha-shab.
The baker makes the box from wood.
4- التاجر يبيع للناس ولا يشتري .
Answer is " I Don't know" - لا أعرف
Ath-thaajiru yabeeu lin-naas walaa yashtharee.
The merchant sells to people and does not buy.
5- الطبيب يعالج المريض ويكتب له الدواء.
Answer is Yes - نعم.
Ath-thabeebu yu-aaliju al-mareed wa yakthubu lahoo ad-dawaa
The doctor treats the patient and writes him medicine.
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Arabic Text book 3
Chapter 4 Exercise 6
Exercise 6:Fill in the blanks:
١) يعمل الناس في كل مكان.
1) People work in every place.
2) يقف الشرطي في كل شارع
2)The police man stands in every street.
3) يلعب تلميذ في كل لعبة.
3) Students are playing in every game.
4) يركب الطيار في كل طائرة.
4) A pilot is flying in each plane.
5) تشرح المعلمة في كل فصل.
5) A teacher is teaching in each class.
6) ينظف الخادمة في كل غرفة.
6) A maid is cleaning in every room.
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