Friday, March 27, 2015

Chapter 8


Arabic Text Book-3 Uhibbul Arabiyyah-3 Chapter-8-The intelligent judge - Al-qaadi al-zakii

Arabic Text Book 3 
Chapter 8

Al-Qaadi Al-Zakiyy
The Clever Judge

Exercise 1

Paragraph 1:

ذهب تاجر إلى القاضي، وقال له: وضع
نقودا عند هذا الرجل، وسافرت في رحلة، ورجعت من السفر، وطلبت نقودي،
فرفض الرجل ذلك.

Zahaba Tajir ilaa Al-Qaadi wa qaala lalhu : Wadaáthu nuqoodan inda hazar-rajulu , wa saafarthu fee rihlah , wa rajah minas-safar , wa Thalabthu nuqoodi, fa rafada ar-rajulu zaalik.

A merchant went to the judge and said to him: I left some money with this man, and I traveled on a journey.
And I returned from the journey and asked for my money, (but) the man refused.

Paragraph 2:

سأل القاضي التاجر: أين أعطيت هذا الرجل النقود؟
فقال التاجر: مشيت معه إلى خارج المدينة، وأعطيته النقود عند شجرة في الصحراء.

Sa-ala Al-Qaadi ath-thaajir: Aina aáthaitha Haazaa ar-rajul an-nuqood?
Faqaala ath-thaajir: Mashaithu ma-á-hu ilaa khārij al-Madeenah, wa aáthaithu-hu an-nuqooda inda Shajarah fis-Sahraa.

The judge asked the merchant: Where did you give this man money?
The merchant said: I walked with him out of the city, and gave him the money at the tree in the desert.

Paragraph 3: 

سأل القاضي الرجل: هل ما يقوله التاجر صحيح؟ 
فقال الرجل: لا يا سيدي القاضي. ما أخذت منه نقودا ولا رأيت تلك الشجرة في حياتي. 

Sa-ala Al-Qaadi ar-rajul: Hal maa yaqoolu ath-taajir saheeh? 
Faqaala ar-rajulu:Laa yaa sayyadee Al-Qaadi.Maa akhazthu minhu nuqoodan walaa ra-aithu thilka as-shajarah fee Hayathee. 

The judge asked the man: Is what the merchant saying true? 
The man said, "No,o' sir, "Judge". I did not take money from him nor have I seen that tree in my life. 

Paragraph 4:

ققال القاضي للتاجر: اذهب إلى تلك الشجرة، وستتذكر هناك: أأعطيته النقود أم دفنت نقودك عند الشجرة ونسيت؟!
Faqaala Al-qaadi lith-thaajir:Izhab ilaa thilka as-shajarah, wa-sa-tha-tha-zakkaru Hunaaka: a-aá-thai-thahu an-nuqooda am dafantha nuqoodaka indash-shajarah wa naseytha?!

The Judge told the merchant: Go to that tree, and try to remember there: Did you give money or buried your money at the tree and forgot?!

Paragraph 5:
وعندما خرج التاجر، نظر القاضي إلى الرجل وقال: اجلس هنا حتى يرجع صاحبك، وإذا وجد نقوده تذهب إلى عملك.

Wa-indamaa kharaja ath-thaajiru, nazara al-qaadi ilaa ar-rajulu waqaala: ijlis hunaa hath-thaa yarjioo saahibak, was izaa wajada nuqoodahu thazhabu ilaa amalik.

When the merchant left out, the judge looked at the man and said, "Sit here until your friend returns, And if he finds his money, you can go along with your work.

Paragraph 6:
جلس رجل قريبا من القاضي ،و القاضي يحكم بين الناس. وبعد وقت طويل نظر
القاصي إلى رجل، وسأله فجأة: هل وصل صاجبك إلى الشجرة الآن؟ فقال الرجل: لا ، فهي بعيدة.

Jalasa rajulu qareeban min Al-Qaadi, wa al-qaadi yahkum bainan naas.wa baáda waqthin thaweelin nazara al-qaadi ilaa rajul, wa sa-ala-hu fajhah:Hal wasala saahibuka ilash-shajarah al-aan? Faqaala ar-rajulu: laa fahiya baeedah.

The man sat close to the judge, and the judge ruled among the people. After a long time looked at the man and suddenly asked him: Could your companion have reached the tree by now? The man said: No, it is far away.

Paragraph 7:
قال القاضي: أنت لص. التاجر أعطاك النقود عند الشجرة. خاف الرجل وقال: نعم.
أخدت منه النقود... أحذت منه النقود عند الشجرة...

Qaala al-qaadi: Anta Lissun.Ath-thaajir aáthaaka an-nuqood inda Shajarah.
Khaafa ar-rajulu wa qaala: Na'am.
Akhazthu minhu an-nuqood....
Akhazthu minhu an-nuqood indash-shajarah.

The judge said: You are a thief. The merchant gave you money at the tree. The man got scared and said: Yes.
I took money from him ... I took money from him at the tree ...

Paragraph 8:
نادى القاضي الشرطي وقال: اقبض على هذا الرجل ولا تتركه حتى يحضر صاحبه
ترك القاضي الرجل ، ورجع إلى عمله، يحكم بين لناس.

Naadee al-qaadi ash-shurti wa qaala : iqbid alaa haazaa ar-rajul walaa thathrukhu hath-thaa yahdur saahibhu.
Tharaka al-qaadi ar-rajul, wa rajaá ilaa amalihi, yahkum bainan naas.

The Judge called the policeman and said, "Arrest this man and do not leave him until his companion arrives."
The judge left the man, and returned to his work, judging between the men.

Paragraph 9:
وصل التاجر بعد وقت طويل، يظهر عليه التعب، فقال له القاضي: هل وجدت النقود.فقال التاجر: لا يا سيدي... ذهبت إلى الشجرة... وتذكرت جيدا... أعطيت هذا الرجل نقودي هناك.

Wasala ath-thaajiru baáda Waqthin thaweelin, yazharu alaihith-thaáb, Faqaala lahu al-qaadi: Hal wajadtha an-nuqood.
Faqaala ath-thaajiru:Laa yaa sayyadi.....zahabthu Ilaash-shajarah....watha-zakkar-thu jayyidan. Aaáthaithu hahar-rajulu nuqoodi Hunaaka.

The merchant arrived after a long time, showing fatigue, and the judge said to him: Have you found the money?
The merchant said, "No, sir ... I went to the tree ... and I remembered well ... I gave this man my money there.

Paragraph 10:

قال القاضي: صدقت، عرفت منه ذلك منذ قليل. والان خذ نقودك منه.
أخذ التاجر نقوده من الرجل، واُدخل الرجل السجن. 

Qaala Al-qaadi: Sadaqtha, Araftu minhu zaalika munzu qaleel.Walaan Khuz nuqoodaka minhu. Akhaza ath-thaajiru nuqoodahu minar-Rajul,wa udkhilar-rajulus-sijin.

The judge said: You are truthful, I came to know(the truth)from him a little while ago. Now take your money from him.
The merchant took his money from the man and the man was put into prison.

Exercise 3

Exercise 6 (page 66)
Form sentences as in the example

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1 comments so far

could i have the translation and howto read for chapter 8

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