Friday, April 3, 2015

Chapter 1


Arabic Textbook3 Chapter 1 Village mouse and city mouse

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Arabic Text Book 3 Chapter 1

The Village mouse and the City mouse.
Faar Al-Qaryaa wa Faar Al-Madeena

Exercise 1 - The Village Mouse and the City Mouse. (Translation of the Text)

1) The letter arrived to the city mouse.A letter from his friend - the village mouse. The city mouse opened the letter and read:"My friend come to the village.I will be waiting for you on Thursday-from your brother.”The city mouse wore beautiful clothes, and rode a small car, and traveled a long road to the village.
2) The village mouse resided in an old shoe, under the tree near the river.The village mouse brought a lot of food and cleaned his house and swept the floor in front of the door. The village mouse placed beautiful flowers around the house.
3) During lunch the two friends ate grains, hazelnut and Walnut. The city mouse said: "Are you still eating grains and wood my friend? The food we eat on the city is delicious.Come to the city to have a look at our dining table and eat our food.
4) The village mouse rode in the car with his friend.The village mouse was riding the car for the first time. The car left for the city.The village mouse saw large houses and heard sounds of cars, and heard sounds of people on the crowded streets.
5) The car reached the house.The city mouse was living in the house of a rich man.He was living in a beautiful room.The room in the wall of the kitchen.In the room there was a small bed.And in the room there was a chair and a table and a lot of toys and it had a wooden door.

6)The two friends were enjoying on top of the dining table.On the sale was a piece of meat,a piece of sweet,fruit,cheese and cake.The village mouse had not seen such food in his life.The village mouse ate..... and ate...... and ate.
7) The cat entered the dining room.The cat leaped on the dining table.The village mouse got scared and ran fast, and his friend got scared and he ran fast.The cat ran fast to catch the village mouse and to eat it.The village mouse rushed fast into the room and his friend entered behind him and shut the door.
8)The village mouse got an ache in his stomach.He was tired due to eating too much food and delicious fruits.The village mouse was tired of running away from the cat.And he was tired from the noise of the people and the cars.
9) The village mouse said goodbye to his friend and said:"Thank you my friend, Bye-till we meet again.I will expect you in the village." The city mouse said:"Good bye. Come often" The village mouse made his move toward the village saying,"When will I reach my good village?When will I reach my beautiful house?"
10)The village mouse did not visit the city again, he loved to eat the least expensive food in the village and did not wish for the delicious food in the city.And he loved the kind village life.And he did not like the life in the city with the black cat and the crowded streets.

Exercise 2:

Arabic Text Book 3
Lesson 01 Exercise 2
Words List
S.No.Arabic WordTranslationRead as
10تسير السيارةMoving CarTasir as-Sayara
11ينظف الملابسCleans clothesYunazzif al-malabis
12يكنس الأرضSweeps the flooryukannis al'ard
13يتألم من بطنهHas stomach Acheyata'allam min batnih
14يتعب من العملTired of workyattaeib min aleamal
15يقفذFalls downyuqaffidh
17احضر/ يحضرBrought / Will Bringahdra / yahduru
20لنWill NotLan

Exercise 3
Draw A Circle around the correct answer: 1) Translation :The city mouse wrote in the letter: "I shall wait for you on Wednesday". Answer : No. ( لا ) 2)Translation :The village mouse lived in an old shoe. Answer : Yes. ( نعم ) 3)Translation : The village mouse went to the circus with his friend. Answer : No ( لا ) 4) Translation : The village mouse ate from the table and filled his stomach. Answer : Yes. ( نعم ) 5) Translation: In the rich man's house there was a dog which lived with the cat. Answer: Not Known
( لا أعرف )

  Exercise 4
Did you understand the story: 1) Translation: The village mouse ate and ate, and got stomach ache. Answers :
a)وأكل b)بطنه 2) The story talks about: Translation of ( أ ): Life in the city is pleasant. Translation of ( ب ): Life in the village is pleasant. Correct answer is (ب) 3) This story talks about: (أ) Tasty food (ب) A match between the cat and the mouse. (ج) Village life and City Life. (د) Life in a Palace. The correct answer is (ج ) (4) The city mouse told his friend : " come often". So did the village mouse go to his friend in the city?" Answer is - No ( لا ) 5) In the lesson below the picture number (4) there is a word which means : " There are a lot of people and cars " - Find that word: The Answer is ( الشوارع المزدحمة) .

Exercise 5
New Method: Form sentences: (Answers only provided) (4) أنا لن أذهب إلى المدرسة غداً. (6) أنا لن أتّجه إلى المعسكر. (8) أنا لن أزور فأر المدينة في بيته. (10) أنا لن أرجع إلى البيت مساءً. (12) أنا لن أكتب الرّسالة اليوم.

Exercise 6
3) Answer Only : نعم، لعب صديقان في الملعب . (4) Answer Only : نعم، إنتظر الزوجان الجدّ في المحطة. (5) نعم، ذهبت المعلّمتان إلى المدرسة. (6) نعم، إشترك الأستاذان في الحفل.

Exercise 9

Answers to Exercise (Understanding the images ) Look at the images and answer the questions: 1) Translation of the question: What is the dog carrying in its mouth? Answer: قطعة لحم (A piece of meat) 2) Translation of the question: Where is the dog looking? Answer: إلى الماء (Into the water) 3) Translation of question: Why did the dog open it's mouth? Translation:الكلب يريد أن ينبح (The dog wanted to bark) 4)Translation of the question: Where did the piece of meat go? Answer: في الماء (In the water)
Exercise 11
( Decode The Letter) The alphabets in the chain form the following sentence. سأنتظرك يوم الخميس Translation : I shall wait for you on Thursday. Exercise 12
(Read the sentence and write the missing alphabets and match the pictures) 1) A large needle and it enters into wood. (Answer : مسمار -Nail ) 2) Animal which is smaller than a horse. (Answer : حمار - Donkey) 3) It's blue in colour.(Answer - سماء - Sky ) 4) It has a beautiful sound. (Answer - زمّارة ) 5) It's red in colour and we eat it in a salad. (Answer : تماطم - Tomato ) ( Translation done keeping intact the tone of the Arabic text. It may seem vaguely translated. Suggestions to improve the translation are welcome.
Please send your suggestions to the translator at )

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