Arabic Text Book 3 Chapter 9
Al-Sayyaraath - The Cars
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Exercise 2:
Updating in progress Arabic Text Book 3 Lesson 9 Exercise 2 Words List | |||
S.No. | Arabic Word | Translation | Read as |
1 | المسافرون في المحطّة | The passengers are in the station | Al-musaafiroona fil mahattah |
2 | أجزاء ( السيّارة) | Parts of the car | Ajzaa al-syyaarah |
3 | عجلات المطّاط | Rubber tyres | Ajallaath al-math-thaath |
4 | بخار | Steam | Bukhaar |
5 | ( محطة ) بنزين | Petrol Pump | Mahattah Benzeen |
6 | الرّكاب (في الحافلة) | Passengers are in the bus | Al-rukkab fil haafilah |
7 | علم | Flag | Alam |
8 | ليل - نهار | Night - Day | Lail - Nahaar |
9 | (سيّارة ) إسعاف | Ambulance | Sayyarah asáaf |
10 | ( سيارة ) مطافئ | Fire engine | Sayyarah Mathaafee |
11 | ( سيّارة لنقل ) البضائع | Goods truck | Sayyarah li-naql al-badaai |
12 | عجلة القيادة | Steering wheel | Ajalah al-qiyaadah |
13 | سائق | Driver | Saaiq |
14 | محرّك (السَّيّارة ) | Engine | Muharriq al-sayyarah |
15)Arabic Text:
زاد / يزيد : كان في الفصل ثمانية تلاميذ، وزاد عددهم ثلاثة فأصبحوا أحد عشر تلميذا. Read as: zada / yazeed : kan fil fasl thmanyt talamizdh, wa zaad adaduhum thlathata fa'asbahuu ahd ashara talmizdhan.
Meaning: Zaada-Past tense / Yazeedu-Present or future tense: There were eight students in the class, and the number increased to three, and they became eleven.
اخترع / يخترع : صنع آلةً أو شيئاً لأوّل مرّة.
اخترع (أديسون) المصباح الكهربيّ
Read as: ikhtarae / yakhtarae : sune aaltan 'aw shyyaan li awwali marra.aikhtarae (edisun) almisbah alkahrabiy.
Meaning: Invented / Invented: Making a machine or something for the first time.
Edison invented the electric bulb.
الإنسان: أبناء آدم : الرّجل، المرأة، الولد، البنت.
Read as: Alinsaan: 'abna' adam : al-rajul, al-mar'atu, al-waladu, al-bint.
Meaning: Human: Sons of Adam: man, woman, boy, girl.
18)Arabic Text:
كيلو متر = ألف متر. سِرتُ اليوم خمسة كيلو مترات من بيتي إلى المدرسة.
Read as: kilo mitr = 'alf mitr. sirtu alyawm khamsah kilo mitraat min bayti 'iilaa al-madrasati.
Meaning: Km = thousand meters. Today I traveled five kilometers from my house to school.
19)Arabic Text :
أسهل: أجبت عن السّؤال الثاني فقط .فهو أسهل من الأوّل ومن الثالث
Read as: 'as-hal: 'ajibatu an as-suwaal al-thani faqat .Fahua 'as-halu min alawwal wa min al-thalith.
Meaning: Easier: I answered the second question only. It is easier than the first and third.
20)Arabic Text :
كسب / يكسب : إذا وصلت السيارة أولاً تكسب السباق
Read as: kasab / yaksib : 'iidha wasalat al-sayarat awlaan taksib al-sibaq
Meaning: Win / win: If the car arrived first (it)wins the race.
21)Arabic Text :
دَارَ/ يدور: يدور محرِّك السيارة بالبنزين
Read as: dara/ yadooru : yadooru muharrik al-sayarah bil-binzeen
Meaning: Rotated / Rotates : The engine of the car rotates by gasoline.
22)Arabic Text :
معنى : ما معنى (ضخم)؟ معنى ضخم : كبير جدًا.
Read as: ma'naa : ma ma'naa (dakhma)? ma'naa dakhma: kabeerun jiddan.
Meaning: "Meaning": What (do you) mean by "huge": too big.
سرعة: سار القطار بسرعة مائة كيلو متر في الساعة
Read as: surath: saar al-qitar bisurat miayat kilo mitr fi as-saa'h
Meaning: Speed: The train ran at 100 kilometers per hour.
Exercise 3
Draw A Circle around the correct answer:
1) Answer: No - لا
Arabic Text:
كانت أول حافلة للركّاب تسير في الليل وأمامها رجل يحمل علما أحمر
Read as:Kaanath awwalu haafilah lil rukkabi thaseeru fil laili wa ammamahaa rajulun yahmilu alaman ahmara.
Meaning:The first passenger bus travelled in the night and a man was in the front carrying a red flag.
2) Answer: Yes - نعم
Arabic Text:
عندما ظهرت عجلات المطاط سارت الشيارات أسرع وأسهل
Read as: Indamaa zaharath ajalaat almathaath saarath al-sayyarathu asraa wa ashala.
Meaning:When rubber wheels appeared, cars moved faster and easier.
عندما ظهرت عجلات المطاط سارت الشيارات أسرع وأسهل
Read as: Indamaa zaharath ajalaat almathaath saarath al-sayyarathu asraa wa ashala.
Meaning:When rubber wheels appeared, cars moved faster and easier.
3) Answer: I don't know - لا أعرف
Arabic Text:
أوَّل إنسان اخترع السيارة كان من فرنسا
Read as: Awwalu insaan akhtharaa al-sayyarah kaaana min faransaa.
Meaning: The first person to invent the car was from France.
4) Answer: No - لا
Arabic Text:
بالمحرّك تتجه السيارة إلى اليمين واليسار.
Read as: Bil muharrik thathajihu al-sayyaarah ilaa al-yameen wa al-yasaar.
Meaning:With the help of engine the car moves to the right and left.
5) Answer: Yes - نعم
Arabic Text:
اعبُر الشّارع من مكان عبور المشاة عندما ترى الضوء الأخضر.
Read as: Aaburu al-shaariy min makaan aboor al-mushaath indamaa tharaa al-daww al-akhdara.
Meaning:Cross the street from the pedestrian crossing point when you see the green light.
Exercise 4:Did you understand the Lesson:
الضوء الاخضر معناه تحرّك ..... الشارع مفتوح.
Ad-daww al-akhdar manaahu thaharrak .....ash-shaariy maftooh.
The Green light means move ... the road is open.
اول فقرة في هذا الموضوع :
Awwal fiqrah fee haaza al-maudoo:
The first paragraph of the chapter says about:
أ) أول سيارة اخترعها الإنسان
Awwal sayyaarah akhtharahaa Al-Insaan.
a) The first cars invented by humans.
ب) السفر في القدم
As-safar fee al-qadam.
b) Travel in olden days
(This is the answer)
Rajul al-lazee akh-tha-ra-á awwala say-yaa-rah.
( اذكر هذه الكلمة )
(This is the answer)
We know from this topic :
سرعة السيارات الآن.
Sur-áthi as-sayyaarath al-aan.
Speed of cars now.
الرجل الذي اخترع أول سيارة.
Rajul al-lazee akh-tha-ra-á awwala say-yaa-rah.
The man who invented the first car.
كيف يصنع الناس عجلات المطاط.
Kaifa yasnau an-naas ajalaath al-mathaath.
How people make rubber wheels.
كيف تسير السيارة.
Kaifa thaseeru as-saiy-yaa-rah.
How the car goes.
Answer is ( كيف تسير السيارة. )
Answer is ( كيف تسير السيارة. )
عندما ترى الضوء الأخضر في مكان عبور المشاة، ...انتظر ولا تعبر الشارع.
Indamaa tharaa ad-daww al-akhdar fee makaani oobooril-mashaath ......inthazir walaa thaáburish-shariy.
When you see the green light in the pedestrian crossing,.....
Wait and do not cross the street. ( Answer is - لا - No )
Arabic text:
في الفقرة رقم (٢) كلمة معناها: " فكر وصنع لأول مرة......
( اذكر هذه الكلمة )
How to read:
Fee al-fikrah Raqam 2 kalimah maánaahaa : fakkara wa Sanaa li awwali marrah.
(Uzkuru Haazihee Al-kalimah)
Meaning of Arabic text:
In paragraph (2) (there is) a word which means: "Thought and made for the first time.....
(Remember the word)
Answer is: إخترع
Ikhtharaá - invented.
Arabic Work Book - 3
Exercise 2 (Page 36)
Listen to the words and fill in the blanks:
The traffic signals on the road control the movement of the cars.
The Green light means Go.
The Red light means Stop.
And you know the rules of traffic and cross the road from the place for pedestrian crossing. ( Text roughly translated for understanding)
Answers for fill in the blanks:
1) Green - الأخضر -Al-akhdar
2) Go - تحرّك - Taharrak
3) Red - الأحمر -Al-Ahmar
4) Stop - قف -Qif
5) Rules - نظام -Nizaam
6)Place - مكان -Makaan
6) Pedestrian - المشاة - Al-mushaath
Exercise 9 - ( Page 38 )
( Choose one of the words and fill in the blanks -Answers are provided at the end)
Translation of the text:
Ahmad and his father went to the bus station. Ahmad had a big bag with him, and his father has a big bag with him. Ahmad and his father are on a trip, they are waiting for the bus for an hour. The bus (has) arrived. The father quickly boarded (the bus), and Ahmad quickly boarded the bus. The bus was empty from passengers (meaning there were no passengers). Ahmad and his father say on a seat, Ahmad saw through the glass (window). The bus moved and Ahmad screamed. " I forgot my bag, I forgot my bag". The words are filled in the blanks in following order: 1) Station - محطّة - Mahattah. 2) Trip - رحلة - Rihlah. 3) Empty - خالية - Khaaliah 4) Glass - الزجاجة - Al- zujaajah. 5) Screamed - يصيح - Yaseehu.
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