Monday, March 30, 2015

Chapter 5


Arabic Text Book-3 Uhibbul Arabiyyah-3 Chapter-5-The man and the trees-Al-rajul wal Ashjaar

Arabic Text Book 3 Chapter 5

Exercise 1:The man and the trees.

Al-rajul wal Ashjaar

(Translation of the Text)

1) The man sat thinking. ..... He wants a big house on the river.....He wanted to make it with wood.And there is a lot of wood in the forest.He searched for his axe to cut the tree.......At last he found the axe which he was looking for. An axe without a handle. An Axe without the wooden part.

2) The man said: How can I cut wood when the axe is without a handle?I shall search in the forest for a small wood to put into the iron of the axe so I can hold the axe with my hands."

3) The man went to the place of the trees. There were many trees...... tall trees and short trees..... High quality trees and rugged trees.

4) The man said to the trees:"I need a small piece of wood."The trees said:"O good man, we will give you a very small tree, take it with you and go far away from us and you should not ask anything from us after that."

5)The Man took the small tree and thanked the trees. He took the small tree to his house while saying: "Without the (wood from the) small tree I will will not be able to hold the axe and also will not be able to cut trees”.

6) The man cut the small tree with a knife.With that wood he made a handle for his axe.The man held the axe by the handle and waved it in the air and said: "Now I can cut trees."

7)The man carried the axe, and went to the place of the trees. The trees said to him:"We told you to go far away from us!!........ Why did you come back to us?……What do you want form us?”

8) The man said:"No, No. Oh my dear tree-friends..... How can I live in a small ugly shed?I need a house made of wood......I need a beautiful house.And how can I go far when the wood is near me?!!!”

9) The man got hold of his axe and cut down a lot of trees...... Pieces...... and pieces....... and pieces...... and pieces. All the trees in that place, and took the wood from them, and made a beautiful house.

10) The trees said:"We listened to the man's words and we believed him, and we let him have him a small tree.....! And this is the result..... He came and cut us all.How good it would have been if we did not give him anything. How good it would be if we had not believed him.”

Exercise 2 New words

Arabic textRead asMeaning
قطع / يقطعQataa' / Yaqtau'Cut / is cutting
   قفص بدون عصفورQafas bidoon usfoorCage without bird
حبل رفيعHabl rafee'Thin Rope
حبل غليظhabl ghaleezThick Rope
هواءhawaaAir or wind
يحرك أصابعهYuharriku asaabiahuMoving his finger
يطلب الولد الطعامYathlubu alwaladu ath-thaa'amThe boy is requesting food


أخيراً :
أول - وسط -  أخيرا:
بحثت عن الكتاب كثيرة ثم وجدته أخيرا

Awwal - Wasat - Akheeran :
Bahasthu an il-kitaab kaseerah
summa wajadthu akheeran

Finally :
First - middle - Finally:
I searched for many books
and then finally found it.

أيّها : يا  :
يا تلميذ افتح الكتاب
- أيها التلميذ، افتح الكتاب

Aiyuhaa: Yaa :
Yaa thilmeezu iftah al-kitaab.
Aiiuhal thilmeezu iftah alkitaab.

O You:
O you student, open the book
- O pupil, open the book.


شكر / يشكر
ساعد الولد الأعمى في عبور الشارع , 
وشكرالأعمى الولد وقال: شكرا يا بني

Shakara / Yashkuru
Sa-ada al-waladu al-aa'maa fee Uboor ash-shaariy
wa shakara al-aa'maa al-walad wa qaala : Shukran ya bunaii.

Thanked / Is thanking
The boy helped the blind man to cross the road,
and the blind man thanked the boy and said: thank you, my son.

عاش / يعيش
يعيش السمك في الماء. عاش جدي ثمانين سنة
Lived / lived
Fish live in water. My grandfather lived eighty years


صدّق / يصدق

لا تصدق كل ما تسمعه .

هذا التلميذ لا يكذب  ونحن نصدّقه

Saddiqu / Yusaddiqu

Laa thusaddiqu kullu maa tasmia'hu.

Haazaa at-tilmeezu laa yakzibu wa nahnu nusaddiquhu.

Believe / Believe

Do not believe everything you hear.

This disciple does not lie and we believe him


جميعا / كل

ذهب التلاميذ جميعا إلى المباراة ليس في المدرسة تلميذ واحد

Jameean / kullu

Zahaba at-tilmeezu jammean ilaa al-mubaarah laisa fee al-madrasah tilmeezu waahid.

All / All

All pupils went to the game not in school one pupil



ليت لي جناحين لأطير مثل العصفور


Laitha lee janaanain li-atheeru misla al-usfoor.

I wish i had

I had two wings to fly like a bird



بنى الرجل البيت الذي يحبه .

هذا هو البيت الذي يحبّه الرجل


Banaa ar-rajulu al-baith allazee yuhibbuhu.

Haazaa huwa al-baith allazee yuhibbuhu ar-rajul


The man built the house he loved.

This is the house that the man loves



قرأ التلميذ القصة التي في المكتبة . . . 

هذه هي القصة التي في المكتبة.


Qaraa' at-thilmeezu al-qissah allathee fee al-maktabah

Haazihee hiya al-qissah allathee fee al-makthabah


The student read the story in the library. . .

This is the story in the library.

Ex 3. Page 37 - Choose the correct answer.

1) Answer: No - لا:

Zahaba ar-rajulu ilaa al-ghaabah li-yabhasa an fa-si-hee.

The Man went to the forest to search for his axe.

2) Answer - I don't know ( لا أعرف)

Haazaa ar-rajulu lahu zawjatun wa awlaadun.

This man has a wife and children.

3) Answer : Yes ( نعم) 

Qaala ar-rajulu Lil-Ashjaar : Ureedu khashabah lil-fa'see.

The Man said to the trees: I need wood for my axe.

4) Answer : Yes ( نعم )

Sanaá ar-rajulu min ash-shajarati as-sagheerathi khashabah li faásihee.

The Man made a wood (handle) for his axe from the small tree.

5) Answer : Yes ( نعم )

Qataá ar-rajulu kullu al-ashjaar was Banaa bihaa baithan.

The Man cut all the trees and built a house with it.

Exercise 4:


قال الرّجل للأشجار: كيف أعيش في كوخ صغير قبيح؟

Qaala ar-rajul lil ashjaar 

: kaifa aeeshu fee kookh sagheerah qabeeha?

The man said to the trees: 

How do I live in a small ugly cottage?

Fill the blanks with

Answer:  - كوخ - Kookh - cottage.


تعرف من هذه القضة:

Taarifu min haazihee qissah:

You know from this story:

( أ ) كيف نبني البيوت على النهر

Kaifa nabnee al-baith alaa an-nahr

A) How we build houses on the river

( ب ) لا نصدق كل ما يقوله الناس.

Laa nusaddiqu kullu maa yaqooluhu an-naas.

(B) Do not believe everything that people say.

Answer is ( ب ) .



هذه القصة تتكلم عن :

Haazihee al-qissah tatakallam an:

This story is talking about:

( أ ) الرجل الذي يحبّ الكوخ.

Ar-rajulu allazee yuhibbu al-kookh.

(A) The man who liked cottages.

( ب ) الأشجار التي قتلت الرجيل

Al-ashjaar allatee qatalath ar-rajulu.

(B) Trees that killed the man

( ج ) الأشجار التي لا تساعد الناس

Al-ashjaar allatee laa thusaaidu an-naas.

(C) Trees that do not help people

( د ) الرجل الذي خدع الأشجار.

Ar-rajulu allazee khaddaa' al-ashjaar.

(D) The man who deceived the trees.

Answer is ( د ) .


كانت الأشجار تعرف ما يريده الرجل ،

Kaanath al-ashjaaru taarifu maa yureeduhu ar-rajulu

The trees knew what the man was saying:

فأعطته الشجرة السغيرة

Fa aathat al-shajarah as-sageerah

So they gave him a small plant.

Answer is (لا )


في الفقرة رقم ( 6 ) كلمة معناها:

Fee al-fiqrah raqam 6 kalimah maanaaha:

In paragraph (6) the word which means:

شيءٌ موجود في كل مكان وليس له لون.

Shaiun maujood fee kulli makaan walaisa lahoo lawn.

Something is everywhere and has no color.

Answer : Air - الهواء - Al-hawaa

Exercise 6: Make sentences as in the example:

How do I cut the tree while the axe is without a wood (handle)?

كيف أقطع الشجر والفأس دون خشبة؟

Kaifa aqthaá ash-shajar wal fa-s doona khashabathin ?

2) How do I water the plant while the watering jug is without water?

Kaifa asqee az-zará war-rashaashah doona maain?

كيف أسقي الزرع و الرّشاشة دون ماءٍ؟

How do I write the letter while the pen is without ink?
كيف أكتب الرسالة والقلم دون حبرٍ ؟

Kaifa ookthubu ar-risaalah wal-qalam doona hibrin?

How to cook food and oven without fire?

كيف أطبخ الطعام والفرن دون نارٍ؟

Kaifa athbakho at-tha-áam wal-farnu doona naarin?

How do I catch fish while the fishing rod has no thread?

Kaifa asthaadu as-samak was-sinaarah doona khaithin?

كيف أصطاد السمك والصنارة دون خيطٍ ؟

How to I hunt animals while the gun is without bullets?

كيف أصطاد الحيوانات والبندقيّة دون رصاصةٍ ؟

Kaifa asthaadu al-haiwaanaath wal-bundooqiyyah doona rasaasathin?

Page 42 Test 1

أولا فهم المقروء
First: Understanding the recitation

Exercise 1:

١- اقرأ القطعة الآتية، ثم أجب عن الأسئلة: 
1- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

كثير من التلاميذ يفكرون في المستقبل . 
Many students think about the future.

How to read: Katheerun minath-thalaameezu yufakkiroona fil musthaqbil.

تلميذ يقول: سأكون مهندسا أبني البيوت والمصانع.
A student says: I will be an engineer to build homes and factories

How to read:
Talmeezun yaqoolu: Sa-akoonu muhandisan Abnee al-buyooth wal-masaaniy

وتلميذ يقول: سأ كون تاجرا غنيا أبيع وأشتري كل ما يحتاج إليه الناس . 

And a student says: I will be a rich merchant, selling and buying everything that people need. 

How to read:
Wa talmeezun yaqoolu: Sa-akoonu taajiran ghaniy-yan abeeyu wa ashtharee kulla Maa yahtaaju ilaihin-naas.

وتلميذ ثالث يقول: سأكون طيارا وأقود الطائرة وأنقل الناس من بلد إلى بلد. 
And a third student says: I will be a pilot and fly the plane and transport people from country to country. 

How to read:
Wa talmeezun thaalithun yaqoolu: Sa-akoonu tayyaaran wa aqoodu ath-thaairatha wa anqal-an-naasa min baladin ilaa balad.

وتلميذة تقول: سأكون طبيبة أعالج الناس وأكتب لهم الدواء. 
And a (female)student says: I will be a doctor treating people and writing medicine for them.

How to read:
Wa talmeezathu thaqoolu: Sa-akoonu thabeebathun oo-aalijun-naasa wa ookthubu lahumud-dawaa

وتلميذة ثانية تقول: سأ كون معلمة أربي الأطفال وأعلم التلاميذ. 
And a second (female)student says: I will be a teacher, caring for children and teaching the students.

How to read:
Wa talmeezathu thaaniyathu thaqoolu: Sa-akoonu muallimathun oorabbi al-athfaalu wa oo-allimu ath-thalaameezu

What profession do you want (to choose) in future?

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